Friday 13 October 2017

Autumn walk around Bamford

I've said it before, I love working from home. It gives me the chance to do this at lunchtime. A lovely, quiet walk with the pooches in the sunshine. Just heaven.

Of course it should by rights have been a run instead but I'm struggling to do those at the moment. I have been for 2 recently but that is working out at a rate of one run per fortnight. Hmmmm, that is not going to cut it on any analysis of an exercise routine! The silly thing is that I actually enjoy the runs so why do I resist going on them so much. Damn chimp!!

Next week......

This weekend consists of curry with friends tonight; full day out at the football (away at Bolton) tomorrow and early golf game on Sunday. So I need to exercise restraint tomorrow. And I will.

9 weeks 'til Australia. No weight gone. Gah!!

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